At Nurture Nest Play Therapy and Counseling, we understand the importance of recognizing and addressing the signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors that interfere with daily life.
Signs of OCD can vary based on age and life stage. Here are some common signs and symptoms of OCD broken down by age:
Ages 3-6:
Fear of germs or contamination
Repeatedly checking things like doors, windows, or toys
Difficulty with transitions or changes in routine
Preoccupation with order or symmetry
Ages 6-10:
Persistent thoughts or worries about harm coming to oneself or others
Fear of making mistakes or breaking rules
Need for reassurance from adults
Repeatedly asking questions or seeking information
Ages 10-14:
Excessive concern with cleanliness or germs
Intrusive thoughts about violence or sex
Need for order or symmetry
Avoidance of certain objects or situations
Ages 15-18:
Fear of harming oneself or others
Repetitive counting or checking behaviors
Preoccupation with morality or religion
Difficulty making decisions
College/Young Adults:
Fear of germs or contamination
Preoccupation with order or symmetry
Intrusive thoughts or worries about relationships
Need for reassurance from others
Newly Weds/Couples:
Intrusive thoughts or worries about the relationship
Repetitive checking of partner's activities or behaviors
Need for reassurance from partner
Excessive concern with order or cleanliness
New Parents:
Fear of harming or neglecting the baby
Intrusive thoughts about accidents or illness
Repeatedly checking on the baby
Excessive concern with cleanliness or germs
Ages 30+:
Intrusive thoughts about harm coming to oneself or others
Repetitive checking behaviors
Preoccupation with order or symmetry
Need for reassurance from others
Ages 55+:
Excessive concern with cleanliness or germs
Intrusive thoughts or worries about health
Repetitive checking behaviors
Avoidance of certain objects or situations
Scenario: An older adult becomes extremely anxious if they are in a public space where other people are not wearing masks or following COVID-19 protocols.
Sample action of OCD symptom: Repeatedly checking and adjusting personal protective equipment, avoiding certain public spaces or activities, or becoming distressed or anxious if others do not follow specific cleanliness or safety protocols.