Anxiety Quiz for kids 12 and under
1. How often do you feel worried or nervous? 😐😕😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
2. How often do you have trouble sleeping or have nightmares? 😴💤😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
3. How often do you feel like you can't breathe or your heart races when you get nervous? 🌬️💓😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
4. How often do you have trouble concentrating or focusing on tasks? 🤔🧐😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
5. How often do you avoid certain activities or situations because they make you anxious? 🚫😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
6. How often do you feel like your thoughts are racing or you can't stop worrying? 🤯🤪😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
7. How often do you feel tense or have muscle aches or pains? 🤕🤒😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
8. How often do you have trouble calming down or relaxing? 😩😰😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
9. How often do you have trouble eating or have stomach problems when you're anxious? 🤢🤮😟😫
A. Almost never
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
10. How much is your anxiety affecting your daily life or your ability to do things you enjoy? 😔😣😟😫
A. Not at all
B. A little bit
C. Quite a bit
D. A whole bunch
Encourage your child to select the answer that best represents their level of anxiety for each question. Once they've completed the quiz, discuss their answers with them and offer support and resources if needed. Remember, it's important to seek professional help if your child's anxiety is impacting their daily life.